Photo captions
-Two armchairs in the living room with velvet upholstered backs and mahogany legs.
-The sitting room features a 1940s sofa and a modern art painting.
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Conjugación de estilos
Con mobiliario clásico, Erika Winters decora un departamento contemporáneo
Por Karina González
Fotos Hector Velasco Facio
A modern classic
Erika Winters decorates a contemporary apartment with classic furniture
By Karina González
Photos Hector Velasco Facio

Vestir los espacios de casa con muebles antiguos es una oportunidad para renovarlos y devolverles una apariencia atractiva. Así lo pensó la diseñadora Erika Winters cuando decoró los interiores de un departamento que pertenece a una pareja de recién casados.

“Algunas piezas que utilicé eran mías, y reinventé su trazo con nuevos tonos que van adhoc con el estilo de vida de los dueños”, señaló Winters.
Tres sofás de los años cuarenta vestibulan la estancia. Sus brazos exhiben diferentes tachuelas color dorado, lo que imprime un toque retro en el ambiente.

“I like classic furniture, with its history and all the stories it can tell. For this project, the choice of furnishings and textiles was defined by the age of the occupants. So I went for curved lines with stripped patterns to reflect my clients’ lightheartedness.
“Some of the furniture used is of my own design, reinvented with new colors and finishes to suit the ad-hoc lifestyle of its new owners”, says Winters.
Three sofas dating back to the 1940s take pride of place in the living room. The gold-colored tacks on the armrests give a retro feel to the room.

Para complementar la decoración, , en el muro colgó una cortina oriental que enmarcó con hoja de plata y doble vidrio no solo para resaltar su estética, si no para que además, la protegiera del polvo.
For the dining room, the interior design specialist discovered a chocolate-colored wooden table from Tibet. She applied a stain to the chairs, which had been sourced from different locations, to give them a similar appearance.
As a finishing touch, on the wall she hung an oriental curtain framed in a silver-leafed frame behind two panes of glass – not only to show it off, but also to protect it from dust.
“La selección cromática fue determinante para crear escenarios cálidos, sofisticados y elegantes. Combiné las tonalidades de tal forma que no resultaran cansadas a la vista, por lo que apliqué el matiz mostaza en las columnas de la sala y pinté los muros en verde olivo”, explicó.
“The color choice was essential to create warm, sophisticated and elegant spaces. I combined colors to be easy on the eye. That’s why I used a mustard color on the columns in the living room and I painted the walls an olive green”, she explains.

En los burós de la habitación, de estilo Art Déco, instaló dos lámparas de bronce con pantalla de tela para iluminar el área por la noche.
In the couple’s bedroom, Erika Winters used a capitone-upholstered headboard, again in a mustard color. "On the bed I placed coffee and orange cushions to strike a visual contrast in the room".
On the Art Deco side tables in the bedroom, Winters used two bronze bedside lamps with a cloth shade to suffuse the room with light at night.
“Cuando decoro un espacio, los usuarios saben que muchas de las piezas que tengo son únicas, pues pertenecen a otra época. En este caso, las lámparas que instalé en la recamara, son de diferente tamaño, pero del mismo acabado, por lo que lucen armónicas” subrayó.
“When I create a design, clients know that the furniture is
largely unique as it has come from different periods. So here, for example, the lamps in the bedroom are different sizes although they have the same finish, so they still work well together.”

“Everything we have in our house says something about us, about what we like. As a designer, I always visualize surfaces and I trust my intuition to create warm environments for people to rest in a comfortable and unusual environment.”